- bashみたいにバックスペースで文字を削除したい。
- bashみたいにカーソルキーでカーソルを移動したい。⇒これできないのがすごく面倒。
- bashみたいに↑キーで履歴がでるようにしたい。
- csvでファイルに出力したい。⇒
- python2.7 ←CentOS7.0でフォルトだから入ってる。
- cx_Oracle 5.3←これだけは別の仕事でどうしても必要だったので入れてもらえた。
$ ./oracle_cli.py Help: ? > ? Documented commands (type help <topic>): ======================================== EOF connect export_csv header query ask_fetch exit fetch_rows help quit > > connect admin@localhost:1521/PDB01 Password: Conneted to Oracle successfly. > query SELECT 'hello!' AS HELLO FROM DUAL HELLO ---------- hello! Query done successfly. 1 row(s) selected. >
#!/usr/bin/python import cx_Oracle import sys import re import os import csv from getpass import getpass from cmd import Cmd class Oracle_cli(Cmd): prompt = "> " intro = "Help: ?\n" def __init__(self): Cmd.__init__(self) self.isHeader = True self.isConnected = False self.isCsv = False self.isAskContDef = True def do_connect(self, arg): if self.isConnected: print 'Already connecting.\n' return False if not re.match(r'[^/]+/[^@]+@',arg): passwd = getpass('Password: ') arg = arg.replace('@','/'+ passwd +'@') try: self.connection = cx_Oracle.connect(arg) self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError, cx_msg: print 'Faild to connect.' print "%s\n" %cx_msg return False self.isConnected = True print 'Conneted to Oracle successfly.\n' def help_connect(self): print "Connect to oracle." print "Usage: connect UserName[/Password]@HostName:Port/ServiceName\n" def do_query(self, arg): if not self.isConnected: print 'No connection. Execute connect command at first.\n' return False try: self.cursor.execute(arg) except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError, cx_msg: print 'Faild to query.' print "%s\n" %cx_msg return False self.dscr = self.cursor.description if self.dscr: if self.isHeader: self.header = [self.dscr[i][0] for i in xrange(len(self.dscr))] print '\t'.join(self.header) print '----------' if self.isCsv: self.writer.writerow(self.header) self.isCont = True self.isFirstLoop = True self.isAskCont = self.isAskContDef while self.isCont: try: self.rows = self.cursor.fetchmany(1) except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError, cx_msg: print 'Faild to fetch rows.' print "%s\n" %cx_msg return False if not self.rows: break if self.isAskCont and not self.isFirstLoop: while True: self.readed = raw_input('Fetch more %s rows ? ([y]es/[n]o/[d]o not ask anymore) ' %self.cursor.arraysize) if self.readed == 'y': break elif self.readed == 'n': self.isCont = False print '\nQuery done successfly. %s row(s) selected.\n' %str(self.cursor.rowcount -1) return False elif self.readed == 'd': self.isAskCont = False break else: print 'Invalid input.' self.isFirstLoop = False try: self.rows += self.cursor.fetchmany(self.cursor.arraysize -1) except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError, cx_msg: print 'Faild to fetch rows.' print "%s\n" %cx_msg return False for self.row in self.rows: print '\t'.join([str(i) for i in self.row]) if self.isCsv: self.writer.writerows(self.rows) print '\nQuery done successfly. %s row(s) selected.\n' %self.cursor.rowcount else: print 'Query done successfly. %s row(s) affected.\n' %self.cursor.rowcount def help_query(self): print 'Execute query.' print 'Usage: query <SQL>\n' def do_export_csv(self, arg): if arg == 'off': self.isCsv = False print 'Do not export csv.' elif re.match(r'^on +[^ ]+ *$',arg): self.csv = re.sub(r'^on +','',arg) if os.path.exists(self.csv): while True: self.readed = raw_input('%s already exist. Over write ? ([y]es/[n]o) ' %self.csv) if self.readed == 'y': try: self.f = open(self.csv,'w') except: print 'Can not create "%s".\n' %self.csv return False self.writer = csv.writer(self.f,lineterminator='\n') self.isCsv = True print 'Export csv file.\n' return False elif self.readed == 'n': return False else: print 'Invalid input.' else: print 'Invalid argument.\n' def help_export_csv(self): print 'Eport csv file.' print 'Usage: export_csv on </path/of/csv>|off\n' def do_ask_fetch(self, arg): if arg == 'on': self.isAskContDef = True print 'Ask whether to continue fetching every time.\n' elif arg == 'off': self.isAskContDef = False print 'Do not ask whether to continue fetching.\n' else: print 'Invalid argument.\n' def help_ask_fetch(self): print 'Ask whether to continue fetching every time.' print 'Usage: ask_fetch on|off\n' def do_header(self, arg): if arg == 'on': self.isHeader = True print 'Header on.\n' elif arg == 'off': self.isHeader = False print 'Header off.\n' else: print 'Invalid argument.\n' def help_header(self): print 'Show column names as a header.' print 'Usage: header on|off\n' def do_fetch_rows(self, arg): if not self.isConnected: print 'No connection. Execute connect command at first.\n' return False try: self.cursor.arraysize = int(arg) except: print 'Invalid argument.\n' return False print '%s row(s) fetch at a time.\n' %self.cursor.arraysize def help_fetch_rows(self): print 'The number of rows to fetch at a time.' print 'Usage: fetch_rows <integer>\n' def do_exit(self, arg): return True def help_exit(self): print "Exit here.\n" def do_quit(self, arg): return True def help_quit(self): print "Exit here.\n" def do_EOF(self, arg): return True def help_EOF(self): print "Exit here.\n" def emptyline(self): pass if __name__ == '__main__': cli=Oracle_cli() args = sys.argv if args: for i in xrange(len(args)): if args[i] == '-c': i += 1 cli.do_connect(args[i]) if args[i] == '-h': print 'Usage: [-c UserName[/Password]@HostName:Port/ServiceName|-h]' exit() cli.cmdloop()